At friday Sanna and her sister Ingvild, Alena, dad and I where snowboarding in Storlien again =D -Ingvild had skillz!:D Really! I was inpressed and I WILL get as good or even better than her! That's my goal, but first I will try to make an 180! ;P
I tried Sannas snowboard =P Her bindings was a bit too big for me, but her board was great!! Especially in offpiste areas =P :D Then I tried Alenas board.. It was stiff but good to ride :P But I perfer my lovely green board ^^,
Then at Saturday Sanna, dad and I went to Storlien to go snowboarding, but the field was toooooooo hard and icy XD So we went for one and an half trip XD Then we decided to drive to Trondheim to see for Boots for me and some t-shirts and belts at SWAG :D!!!
When we drove to Trondheim we stopped at Malvik to see Marius^^ They had som fireworsk going on =P That was cool to watch ^^
When we arrived on SWAG I tried some boots and I found on pair that fitted, but i didn't like the leash..But we decided to look in Åre, in Sweden, for some other boots =)
Well Today, sunday, Marius, dad and I went to Åre =D And after a while of walking and looking in the town, I tried a pair of Burton boots that was called "Q" =D They fitted and dad bought them for me :D :D :D :D FINALLY! I possibly wont have pain while i go snowboarding ^^ We'll see in the morning :D
Well, this is my new boots, "Burton Q 2009" :D and now my old ones "Moto" are for sale =/
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