Snowboard is... LIFE:D
Really it is! And when you float on the snow, It's like heaven! God I love it! And even more fun...Falling !!!! :D:D:D:D
Today, dad, Alena and I went snowboarding again^^ And today there was sun shining behind the mountain :D It was so beautiful <3
AND now they've made 3 more jumps in "Ravinen" :D Wiiii<3<3 just my luck ^^
Later on we made our own jump with my new shovel XD That was a medium-jump, which turned out to be as crappy as possible XD haha
-We thought that we would have the perfect soft landing, but no XD Alena didn't make it, she fell infront and on the jump, and i had a hard landing with a loop after the jump >.< OMG! XD so funny =P
Well we decided to go to "Ravinen" again before they closed the lift.-.and then I boarded to my favourite place, into the woods XD I love riding there^^ And then I crashed into a tree and fell down into the soft snow :D That was so fun :D <3<3<3
Well now I'm sitting here and hoping my beautiful boyfriend comes to Meråker ;P I really miss him now ;* =(
Well, I think I need some food :O YAYA!! CYA :P
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